People are being advised to take extra care at the coast this weekend in strong winds and heavy rainfall caused by Storm Babet. 

Following a recent dry spell, the cliffs along the Suffolk coast have dried out, leaving them vulnerable to wave action and heavy rainfall. This could lead to cliff collapse. 

The Met Office has issued a yellow warning for winds around the Suffolk coast, with gusts over 50mph possible for some areas on Friday and Saturday.

Coastal Partnership East, on behalf of East Suffolk Council, is reminding people to stay safe on the coast by following a set of rules. 

The rules state do not climb on eroding cliffs or sea defences, keep well back from the cliff edge, take notice of signage, avoid walking close to the base of cliffs, and keep pets on leads. 

Read More: Suffolk issued new Storm Babet weather warning by Met Office

Councillor Kay Yule, East Suffolk's cabinet member for planning and coastal management, said: "It is understandable that people want to explore our beautiful coast and see the effects of extreme weather, but it is simply not worth risking your life for".

"With bad weather from Storm Babet predicted this weekend, we urge people to take care at the coast and pay attention to safety". 

If you notice anything unusual or dangerous about cliffs or any coastal defences, please email and in an emergency, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.