A homeless Suffolk father-of-two has described how living with his wife in an Audi A4 during Storm Babet has been 'pretty dire'.

Clint and Michelle Jagroo are sleeping in the car at Bawdsey Quay after leaving their previous, privately-rent permanent home in Alderton, but the heavy rainfall and high winds that struck the county have made their situation even worse.

Mr Jagroo said: "Last night (Thursday) was terrible. The rain just came down all night. It is pretty dire. It is not ideal conditions when you are living in the back of the motor."

READ MORE: Suffolk couple sleeping in their Audi A4 car at Bawdsey

He added that the car was parked in an area of woodland and some of the trees were quite old, which led to branches falling onto the Audi, disturbing the couple's sleep.

In a positive development, he said a representative of the Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau had been in contact with the couple about the possibility of carrying out a disability assessment in relation to Mrs Jagroo's health after she suffered a stroke while the family were living in Alderton.

He hoped the bureau might be able to arrange some temporary accommodation for them.

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Earlier this week, the EADT reported how the landlord of the three-bedroom Alderton home issued a section 21 Notice Requiring Possession (NRP) due to rent arrears.

The couple, including their two teenage children, left two days before the notice period ended.

East Suffolk Council subsequently placed them in temporary accommodation at Kingsley House Hotel in Ipswich, but they left at the end of September and are now sleeping in the car, although the children are staying with friends.

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Mrs Jagroo said they had fallen into rent arrears following her health issues.

An East Suffolk Council spokesperson said they had 'tried incredibly hard to help the family' including placing them in temporary accommodation while speaking to the landlord.

However, efforts were hampered by the family's failure to provide the council with evidence of income or expenditure, while the council was also aware that the family were claiming Universal Credit, including the Housing Element, but were not passing it on to the landlord.

A 'thorough assessment' was then completed, which showed that the property was affordable and the couple would have had a surplus income after paying rent and bills.

Consultees Citizens Advice also agreed the property was affordable and the council concluded that the family had made themselves 'intentionally homeless'.

Nobody from the bureau was available for comment.

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