Suffolk's emergency services, councils and public bodies have 'stood down' the major incident response to Storm Babet - but are urging people to remain cautious and follow safety advice. 

Public agencies in Suffolk are still responding to the impact and threats posed by the severe flooding, but are now able to do so within existing resources and without the need for tight coordination by the Suffolk Resilience Forum. 

Suffolk County Council has said areas most badly hit by the floods are likely to continue to get additional coordinated support from public bodies- led by the district councils in those areas. 

People in East Suffolk are still being warned that flood water levels have not necessarily hit their peak.

Those close to water should continue to follow flood warnings and alerts from the Environment Agency.

People are no longer being asked to travel only if absolutely necessary but are being urged to drive with caution. 

The five district and borough councils across Suffolk are already working to help people and businesses to recover from the impact of the floods.