Plans for a toilet block in a town park to be transformed into a new café and toilet facilities have been submitted to a council. 

The proposal to replace the toilet block at Belle Vue Park in Sudbury, which has been described as "aging and vandal-prone", was unveiled at the end of August and has now been officially submitted to Babergh District Council for consideration.

Funding, which was approved at a Babergh cabinet meeting on September 5, would include £105,000 of the £1.9million Belle Vue budget, with £45,000 to come from the Government's Changing Place grant. 

The £150,000 plans would see the existing 1930s toilet block, now in poor condition, demolished and replaced it with a more sustainable, modular building.

The café would allow for up to 20 people to sit inside and up to 30 people outside. 

The toilets, which would be accessed independently of the café, would comprise of male/female/standard accessible and higher specification Changing Place format.

A statement submitted to the council said: "The proposed new café and toilet facilities works should discourage anti-social behaviour and allow the public to make better use of this space."