More training and employment opportunities are needed to break Suffolk's "vicious circle" of reoffending says the county's police commissioner. 

The county has reported the highest increase in reoffending rates in the UK, with 5.3 per cent increase. 

The Ministry of Justice data found Suffolk's reoffending rate was higher than any other Police Force Area (PFA) in the country.

Tim Passmore, Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, said the worrying statistics are part of a ‘vicious circle’ which needs breaking.

He added: “The revolving door of too many offenders serving repeated short sentences needs to stop but if inmates are released with no home, no job and no money they are highly likely to re-offend.

“We really do need to reduce reoffending.”

The data also revealed young offenders are significantly more likely to re-offend than any other age group, with one in three children between 15 and 17 years old in England and Wales, committing another crime.

In Mr Passmore’s view, the key to driving reoffending rates down is providing those who have been convicted with more opportunities ‘for retraining and employment needs’.

The PCC drew particularly on Forces Employment Charity, a group offering ‘life-changing support’ to prison veterans, which has helped over 200 people since its creation in May 2022 ‘with no reoffending reported to date’.

Mr Passmore continued: “From my farming background I have seen first-hand how this approach can work.

“I have seen ex-offenders employed on farms and doing a hard day’s work, receiving a decent wage and being away from the temptations of crime really does make a difference.

“It is the second chance that many offenders are looking for.”