A long-standing Suffolk art club faced with an uncertain future over the lease for its premises has found a solution.

The Woodbridge Art Club, which has been running for nearly 50 years, had not been offered another lease at its Tide Mill Way base as the town council wanted to use the building for other community purposes.

However, the club's chair Jean Maxwell revealed the club would be able to hire its current premises for its activities when the current lease expires on March 31.

READ MORE: Suffolk art club 'stunned' by council's lease decision

She said she did not know on which days the Tide Mill Way base would be available or how much it would cost to hire the venue, while the club would need to use the facility on two-and-a-half to three days a week.

She added the club would be able to keep the kiln at the property, but would have to share with other groups that were expected to use the building on other days.

"But it will still be the base for all our sections (painters, potters, photographers and lacemakers) and hopefully we can open on occasional weekends for our exhibition as well. That is the plan," Jean added.

READ MORE: Uncertainty for future of Woodbridge Art Club's Suffolk home

In August, the EADT revealed that the town council took the decision in light of the cost of living crisis and spending cuts that have left voluntary and charitable organisations struggling.

READ MORE: Woodbridge news

The council also believed the building needed extensive renovation, including a new roof and that funding could be raised if it was used as a community facility rather than a private club.

Jean said the club would have to use another venue for 'however many months' it took to replace the roof, but members were always aware of this situation.

READ MORE: Suffolk news