Plans have been revealed to build 13 new homes in a Suffolk village. 

Property developer Barley Homes, which is owned by West Suffolk Council, has submitted the plans, which include four affordable homes on a piece of land in Rougham. 

Barley Homes, working with West Suffolk Council, acquired the site in Kingshall Street, Rougham, from the Rougham Estate to build a mix of detached and semi-detached homes for the village.

The scheme includes nine market homes, a mix of two, three and four bedroom properties, and four affordable homes, a mix of one and two bed properties. 

If planning permission is granted then work could start from early 2024. 

West Suffolk Councillor, Richard O’Driscoll, chair of the Shareholder Advisory Group, said: “Barley Homes is able to bring forward developments that contain affordable homes and are tailored for the local community.

"Simultaneously, it also provides an income back to West Suffolk Council to help support services at a time of national financial challenges for public services. Barley Homes has already successfully developed properties in Haverhill and I look forward to seeing Rougham move forward.”