Shoppers have told of how they have been "traumatised" and children left "petrified" after being trapped in a lift at an Ipswich store.

Several shoppers have reported separate incidents of how they have been trapped in a lift at the B&M Home Store at Warren Heath - in some cases for several hours.

The incidents date back to August 22 and some shoppers have criticised staff at the store who they claim, in some cases, didn't seem concerned.

Kerry Walkden said she, her husband and their son were trapped in the lift in August last year.

East Anglian Daily Times: Kerry Walkden was trapped in the lift for 15 minutesKerry Walkden was trapped in the lift for 15 minutes (Image: Kerry Walkden)

It was only for about 15 minutes, as the down button eventually started working.

Mrs Walkden said: "We were decorating and had picked up a bedside cabinet, and the lift started moving but it suddenly stopped.

"I started to panic a little and was pressing the button repeatedly because there was three of us in this small lift with a sizeable cabinet.

East Anglian Daily Times: B&M in Warren Heath, IpswichB&M in Warren Heath, Ipswich (Image: Tom Cann)

"Once we started moving I went to one of the workers and said the lift stopped working, and they apologised and said they would report it.

"I've got arthritis in my knees so I use lifts when I can but I won't use that lift anymore, not after that happened."

Around Christmas last year, Nakita Ramsey was in the lift with a couple of friends when they got trapped.

This time, however, it was for several hours.

East Anglian Daily Times: Nakita Ramsey spent around five hours trapped in the liftNakita Ramsey spent around five hours trapped in the lift (Image: Nakita Ramsey)

Miss Ramsey said: "We were ringing the alarm, screaming and banging on the doors for around 45 minutes.

"I was supposed to be meeting a friend and he had messaged me asking where I was. I told him and he came in and told the staff.

"They didn't realise we were stuck in there, even though we were ringing the alarm for ages.

"They came over and told us to stay calm. I needed a wee and one of them told me to go in the corner of the lift as the cameras didn't work so it was fine.

"They started telling us to jump up and down, and we have always been told that if stuck in a lift, you don't jump up and down because it will get more stuck.

East Anglian Daily Times: The sign on the front of the liftThe sign on the front of the lift (Image: Newsquest)

"Admittedly, we didn't speak to them in the politest of ways, but only because we were panicking and in quite a bad state.

"They called an engineer who said it would take around three hours for them to come, so in the end the fire brigade came.

"He pressed one button, which the B&M staff could have done, and we were finally let out.

"It was an awful, awful, experience.

"I haven't been able to use a lift since, it traumatised me and has made me nervous to use lifts."

East Anglian Daily Times: B&M in Warren Heath, IpswichB&M in Warren Heath, Ipswich (Image: Tom Cann)

Summer Warner, her husband and two children, aged four and seven at the time, were also stuck in the lift at the end of September this year for two hours.

She said: "We pressed the buzzer a few times and to their credit the staff were brilliant.

"They tried everything they could, the engineer said it would take them two to three hours to get there because they were London-based.

"It was really hot in the lift, we had to take jumpers, jackets off and both my girls needed the toilet at the time.

"Staff managed to get the doors open at the bottom and hand us drinks and things through the gap there was, but we were still stuck a long time.

East Anglian Daily Times: Summer Warner with her husband and two children, whom she was trapped in the lift with.Summer Warner with her husband and two children, whom she was trapped in the lift with. (Image: Summer Warner)

"Now, both my girls are petrified of going in lifts and I struggle with fibromyalgia and really bad back pain so sometimes I need to rely on lifts, and it's difficult when they are scared to go in them now.

"They need to completely make it out of order or just replace the entire lift because it had been reported before, but they don't solve the issues with it."

In the latest incident, last week, another shopper, Salee Sophia, heard another customer in the same lift.

She said: "I heard a loud banging and it was someone in the elevator.

"I went and told the staff, and no one seemed really bothered so we called the fire brigade but they couldn't come unless the store called.

"It was terrible. It was disgraceful how nobody seemed concerned, especially as you can tell the alarm is being rung from the front of the shop."

On the lift there is a sign asking shoppers to 'refrain from taking trolleys in lift' and that only one person can use the lift at any given time.

B&M was approached for comment.

East Anglian Daily Times: The lift at B&MThe lift at B&M (Image: Newsquest)