A man who hurled racist language at a shopkeeper has been sentenced. 

Terry Poole, 38, refused to attend his trial after hurling racist abuse at shop workers on June 3, 2022. 

He had purchased some alcohol from a shop in High Street, Colchester, and went on to try to purchase some deodorant.

When he was unable to pay, Poole became aggressive with the shopkeeper, who refused him service.

He then hurled racist and abusive language towards the shopkeeper and another shop worker before leaving the premises. 

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Once outside the store, he started hitting the shop window repeatedly and was caught on CCTV causing damage. 

The police were called and arrested Poole immediately, before being charged with racially aggravated harassment, using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, and criminal damage.

Though he denied each charge, he failed to attend a trial held at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, November 21.

Poole, of no fixed address, was convicted on each count and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He was sentenced to a community order, and has to complete a drug rehabilitation requirement.

There is an exclusion order keeping him from the shop.

He must also complete a rehabilitation activity requirement and 100 hours of unpaid work.

One of the shopworkers involved in the attack said: "I also do not think it is acceptable, what he has said regarding the racial remarks and the damage caused.

"We will now have to pay for this out of our own earnings and expenses."

PC Bowyer, of Colchester’s city centre policing team, said: "The actions of Poole were utterly unacceptable.

"The language he used towards the victims, who are hard-working and upstanding members of the Colchester community, was disgusting.

"The victims have been supported throughout this lengthy process and I would like to praise them for the strength and dignity they have displayed."