Concerns have been raised that beach huts relocated along a Suffolk seafront have been placed in a more vulnerable position to damage during storms.

A poster on a Felixstowe Facebook page said the huts on the beach near Cliff Road car park in Felixstowe - which were controversially removed from near the Spa Pavilion - were now facing an 'uncertain fate' due to storms and tides.

Last week, huts there and elsewhere along the seafront, including at the Beach Station Road end, were dislodged by high tides, which also deposited sand and shingle along the promenade.

READ MORE: Felixstowe beach huts damaged and moved during high tides

In the social media message, the poster said: "Having weathered the trials of last winter's fierce tides and storms, the beach huts now confront an uncertain fate amidst the changing circumstances.

"Despite their previous resilience, the current situation paints a worrisome picture for these iconic structures.

"The news comes as a disappointment for the owners of these huts, whose hopes for stability and longevity in their new location have been shaken.

READ MORE: Felixstowe: Controversial removal of beach huts begins today

"This unforeseen turn of events has left many lamenting the possible loss and damage that these cherished beach huts might endure."

East Suffolk Council moved the huts - which had stood outside the Spa Pavilion since Victorian times - because of concerns about the safety of walkers and cyclists along the promenade as numbers had increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, an East Suffolk Council spokesperson said the huts at 'Clifflands' had sustained 'far less' damage and movement than huts still in winter positions near the pier.

READ MORE: Suffolk beach huts repositioned as Easter plans under way

She said huts at Manor End and Sea Road, which were not on the beach, had also been affected by storms and high tides.

“The positioning of the huts at Clifflands was given careful consideration by the council and our coastal management team determined that this area had been a stable platform for many years.

“In receiving planning permission for the site, planners consulted widely with stakeholders and made the decision that this was a suitable position, based on local knowledge and beach patterns to date.

"However, as a precaution, a flood risk strategy was included in the licences and the site is also subject to annual monitoring. 

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

“The council will always continue to assess the risks from the sea and bad weather and it is important that hut owners understand the risks to their property, making decisions that sensibly weigh up the risk of impacts from bad weather," she added.

She said beach huts in any location along the coast could potentially be at risk, while also being less resilient than other buildings.

READ MORE: Suffolk news