One of Suffolk's most prominent landmarks shone green last night in support of the NSPCC and its Childline service.

Buildings and landmarks across the UK turned green on the longest night of the year, Friday, December 22, in support.

One of which was St Edmundsbury Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds.

It joined landmarks such as Alexandra Palace in London, Oxford Castle and the Falkirk Wheel in Scotland in turning green.

Childline counsellors are on hand around the clock to talk to young people throughout the Christmas period, and with schools closing their doors and children having reduced contact with wider support networks, many vulnerable children face increased risks at home.

James Stark, head verger and events manager at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, said: "St Edmundsbury Cathedral is very happy to support the NSPCC and their Walk for Children and Light Up Landmarks campaign once again this year.

"The Cathedral Tower went green as a reminder to local people of this important cause."