A major development in Suffolk has taken a further step forward as the latest plans submitted approved by the council.

Mid Suffolk District Council approved further plans for development of112 homes in Thurston.

The hybrid application, which involves building 112 homes, including 43 affordable, with associated infrastructure, landscaping and amenity space, and nine self-build plots.

The latest wave of plans and documents have been approved, including the proposed site plan, hard landscaping, parking layout, drainage details, proposed plans and elevations and soft landscaping.

Plans were first submitted in 2020 as an outline application, with more details about the development being proposed throughout the years.

The plans have been met with criticism, including 28 public objections, with people claiming it will have 'significant negative impacts on the character of the surrounding area, traffic generation, highway safety and deficiencies in social facilities'.

Thurston Parish Council also strongly objects to the application.

They state that it is still considered that the application 'fails to be in conformity with the Thurston Neighbourhood Development Plan in relation to housing numbers, character and design'.

The nine self-build plots is only an outline planning application at this stage, so further details will need to be applied for in the future.