A young Suffolk couple are celebrating the birth of their baby boy, marking not only the start of the new year but also the new mum's own birthday. 

Keylie Hoy, who turned 20 today, and her partner Koryn Reeve-Jones, also 20, welcomed baby Theo on January 1, 2024, four days before his due date of January 5. 

Born at Ipswich Hospital at 12.45pm, Koryn said Theo is a happy and healthy boy weighing in at 7lbs 2oz.

East Anglian Daily Times: Keylie Hoy with baby Theo, midwife Megan and student midwife LaurenKeylie Hoy with baby Theo, midwife Megan and student midwife Lauren (Image: ESNEFT)

Theo is the pair's first child, and his arrival marked not only the start of the new year, but also Keylie's 20th birthday, which Koryn said made the day even more special.

"It is what I call a miracle, that he was born on her birthday," Koryn said.

"It is a birthday present to the both of them really. His presence, it's like her birthday present from him." 

East Anglian Daily Times: Baby Theo who now shares mum Keylie's birthdayBaby Theo who now shares mum Keylie's birthday (Image: ESNEFT)

The pair, from Grange Farm in Kesgrave, said the birth was 'not too stressful' and Keylie, who went into labour at around 6.15am on New Years Day and who opted for an epidural, said it was not too painful. 

Theo was one of three babies born on January 1 at Ipswich Hospital.

ESNEFT also welcomed five New Year's Day babies at Colchester Hospital.

At West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds, Daisy Walters and her partner Kayne welcomed their new baby boy Teddy Nicholls at 3.23am on January 1. 

Teddy is the baby brother of Isabella and Greyson, and Daisy, who is doing well, said it was a 'speedy and straightforward birth'. 

In 2023, Christopher Darrell Johnson Junior was the first baby to be born at West Suffolk Hospital to parents Gemma Brooks and Christopher Johnson. 

Christopher, who has dual nationality of UK and USA, was born in the Bury St Edmunds hospital at 6.23am on January 1, 2023, and weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces.

The happy mum from Bildeston said that having a baby on New Year’s Day made it “even more special”.