Bungay Camera Club kickstarted 2024 with a series of activities and presentations to sharpen members' photography skills.

The first club meeting of January was well attended and began with membership enrolment followed by a members 'Show and Tell' slide show.

Many topics were covered including local wildlife, model portraits, night-time light and laser show and snapshots from an evening club trip to Great Yarmouth.

The club's second meeting showcased a talk and accompanying slide show by local photographer Ruth Grindrod, known for her award-winning landscape pictures.

East Anglian Daily Times: Chairwoman Sue Grief and Ruth Grindrod Chairwoman Sue Grief and Ruth Grindrod (Image: Peter Nixon)

Ms Grindrod won the Landscape Photographer of the Year award for her image 'Swan Lake', shot at Hardley Flood, alongside success at the Scottish Nature Photography Awards 2019.

Her work has also featured in several photography publications.

The session saw a strong attendance, welcoming both club members and visitors from Diss, Beccles, Loddon and Chet Valley camera clubs.

Ms Grindrod's presentation, titled `My Vision My Practice` offered the audience a glimpse into her creative process, explaining the thought, planning, and visualisation behind each image to elicit an emotional response from the viewer.

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She also detailed camera settings, the use of filters, and how to effectively harness light and environment to the photographer's advantage.

The evening wound up with an audience Q&A session with Ms Grindrod.

Bungay chairwoman Mrs Sue Grief, LRPS, proposed a vote of appreciation and thanks for the talk which she hopes will inspire and guide everyone to improving their photography skills.East Anglian Daily Times: The meeting showcased a talk and accompanying slide show by local photographer Ruth Grindrod The meeting showcased a talk and accompanying slide show by local photographer Ruth Grindrod (Image: Peter Nixon)

Bungay Camera Club holds monthly meetings every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at Broome Village Hall, starting 7.30pm.

Prospective attendees are welcomed to their first two meetings free before confirming their membership.

For further details and the club's 2024 schedule, visit bungaycameraclub.org.