A man accused of secretly recording himself having sex with a student has admitted “stupidly” lying to police.

Giving evidence during his trial at Ipswich Crown Court, Sam Ward accepted he hadn’t been telling the truth when he told officers he had accidentally filmed himself and the alleged victim having sex while checking the time on his phone.

Ward told the court he had filmed himself and previous partners having sex with the aim of increasing their sexual pleasure but accepted that he hadn’t asked for the consent before filming himself having sex with the alleged victim.

Cross-examined by prosecution counsel Matthew Sorel-Cameron, he denied trying to give the alleged victim the impression that he was using his phone for an ”innocuous” reason.

“You wanted her to think that it was nothing to do with filming,” said Mr Sorel-Cameron to which Ward replied: “That’s not correct”.

Ward, 28, of Avon Way in Colchester, has denied an offence of voyeurism which was allegedly committed in October 2022.

The court has heard that Ward went back to his flat with the woman after meeting her in a bar in Colchester.

The couple were having sex when Ward reached across and picked up his iPhone from a bedside table and allegedly began filming them, said Mr Sorel-Cameron.

“He didn’t tell her he was going to do so and she didn’t know at first what he was doing. She thought he was reading or responding to a text,” he said.

When she realised that he wasn’t touching the screen and recording what they were doing the woman was “very unhappy”.

She snatched his phone and tried to look at the screen before running naked from the building.

She later handed Ward’s phone to the police and he was arrested.

He later told police he had picked up his phone to check the time and hadn’t intended to film himself having sex with the woman.

The trial continues.