The old phrase "as mad as a March hare" pertains to the boxing matches which break out between male and female hares during the breeding season, but sometimes these duals go on as late as May. 

Take a look at these stunning pictures of some Suffolk hares mid-fight in May.

East Anglian Daily Times: Forget Fury vs Usyk this is the Suffolk championshipForget Fury vs Usyk this is the Suffolk championship (Image: Paula Freeman)

Photographer Paula Freeman, 58, said: "I don’t know about mad as a March hare. This lot are still out there boxing and being crazy in May".

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East Anglian Daily Times: Action shot Action shot (Image: Paula Freeman)

Mrs Freeman spotted the Hares fighting in a field in Alpheton, just north of Sudbury, on Monday May 13.

Brown hares are Britain's fastest land mammal famous for their energetic behaviour and, during the month of March in particular, they are known to ‘box’ frantically with one another.

The 'mad March hares' do this because they are in their mating season, with the males (bucks) seeking out any females (does) that have come into season.

The spectacle usually occurs when a male is being too persistent with a female, chasing her across fields in an attempt to mate. When she’s had enough, she’ll turn around and try to fend him off in a fierce boxing match! The behaviour can go on for weeks.

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East Anglian Daily Times: Ding, ding, dingDing, ding, ding (Image: Paula Freeman)

Mrs Freeman is a passionate wildlife photographer from the small Suffolk town.

East Anglian Daily Times: 'I can't watch!''I can't watch!' (Image: Paula Freeman)

She said: "I spend 99.% of the time with my dog Nancie and my shots are captured with her sitting by my side. I walk the countryside and just see so much beautiful nature and wildlife in Suffolk."

East Anglian Daily Times: 'Right that's enough boxing for today I'm off''Right that's enough boxing for today I'm off' (Image: Paula Freeman)

Mrs Freeman said she loves wildlife photography and that it's her favourite thing to do.

East Anglian Daily Times: 58-year-old wildlife photographer Paula Freeman 58-year-old wildlife photographer Paula Freeman (Image: Paula Freeman)