The neighbour of a man accused of murder has told a court of the “horrible” killing she saw.

Barbara Knowles said she heard angry shouting and banging outside her house on Ipswich Avenue while she was watching TV on the night of October 8 last year.

She looked out the window and saw a man and woman banging on the windows of Jay Cotterill’s house she told Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday.

Then she saw a man pick up something and throw it on the roof, which the court has previously heard was a scooter.

She said: “As I looked out the window, I saw Jay in front of this other man and I just saw the man fall to the ground.

“I didn’t know what he had done. I couldn’t see anything in his hand."

Mrs Knowles added the woman, Stephanie Harvey, ran over to the man, Richard Hunt, and was “shouting out hysterically”.

Her husband Jason Knowles went outside to see what was going on, while Mrs Knowles watched from the doorstep.

He asked Cotterill what happened, and Mrs Knowles said he replied: “I’ve stabbed him. I think he’s dead”.

“My partner backed away because he didn’t know what was in his hands. It was pitch black.” she added.

Mrs Knowles told Ipswich Crown Court Mr Hunt’s eyes were fixed and he had no pulse.

She added: “It was just horrible looking at him.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like that in my life. My head was just all over the place.”

Cotterill denies murder and the trial continues.