Former Ipswich borough leader Liz Harsant has taken over as the new chair of Suffolk County Council after spending a year as deputy.

Mrs Harsant was the last Conservative leader at the borough - heading up the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition that ran Ipswich between 2004 and 2011.

She was elected to the county council representing the Gainsborough division three years ago and took on the top job from Keith Robinson.

Accepting the role, she said: "Becoming chairman is a huge honour for me.

"Having been involved in local politics for more than 20 years it is something I never thought would happen.

"I promise I will do my very best to carry out my duties to a high standard and represent the county we all love and are so privileged to live in."

During her year in office she hopes to raise thousands of pounds for the Eden-Rose Coppice Trust, the Ipswich Housing Action Group and Cancer Support Suffolk.