A 74-year-old Ipswich man was caught drink-driving the day after being convicted of common assault, a court heard.

Basil Reid, of Cotswold Avenue, admitted driving with excess alcohol on December 3 when he appeared before the town’s South East Suffolk Magistrates’ Court.

He also admitted being in breach of a 24-month conditional discharge which he was given on December 2 for common assault.

Prosecutor Ian Allen said the drink-drive incident occurred at around 3.30pm.

Police were told about a suspected drink-driver said to be in the area of Crown Pools in Ipswich.

They went in search of the vehicle and while travelling along Fonnereau Road spotted a Skoda driving towards them which matched the description of the car that had been reported.

Mr Allen said after police stopped the Skoda it was apparent Reid, who was driving, appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.

He told officers he had consumed alcohol two hours earlier.

Reid was arrested after a positive roadside breath test.

The court heard a subsequent test showed Reid had 48 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35mcgs.

Larissa Hutson, representing Reid, said her client has had difficulty with his memory over the last couple of years.

The court was told Reid admitted consuming alcohol on the day in question, but was unable to say how much and when.

Mrs Hutson said Reid had underlying issues with alcohol and had taken steps to address his problem.

District Judge Sally Fudge disqualified Reid from driving for 12 months and fined him £120.

He must also pay £85 costs and £20 to the victims’ fund.

In a separate hearing John Sandford, of Godmanchester, near Huntingdon, also pleaded guilty to drink-driving.

The 51-year-old was caught on October 24 at Heath Road in Sutton, near Woodbridge.

The court heard he was seen in his stationary Jaguar F-Type in Sutton Heath car park at around 4.45pm by a dog walker.

The dog walker noticed an empty bottle in the car and Sandford drove off.

Police were contacted and located the car.

A blood test showed Sandford had 167 milligrammes of alcohol in 100mls of blood. The legal limit is 80mcgs.

Sandford was banned from driving for 18 months and fined £750.

He must also pay £85 costs and £75 to the victims’ fund.