Prize-winning novellist and author of the Whitbread-shortlisted novel and Oscar-nominated film, ‘Chocolat’, Joanne Harris will be introducing her latest book ‘The Strawberry Thief’ at Woodbridge Library on Friday April 5.

The event is being staged in conjunction with Browsers Bookshop in Woodbridge Thoroughfare and will be hosted by Catherine Larner who runs regular ‘author Q&A’ events at the bookshop.

Joanne will be in conversation with Catherine describing the events surrounding the latest instalment of the Chocolat saga.

Vianne Rocher and Rosette are happily running the chocolate shop in the square until life is disrupted by the death of the florist, Narcisse and a mysterious new shop opens in town.

Joanne Harris was born in Barnsley in 1964, of a French mother and an English father. She studied Modern and Mediaeval Languages at Cambridge and was a teacher for 15 years, during which time she published three novels, including Chocolat (1999), which was made into an Oscar-nominated film starring Juliette Binoche.

Since publishing Chocolat, Joanne has written 15 more novels, two novellas, two collections of short stories and a Dr Who novella, as well as the libretti for two short operas, several screenplays, a musical and three cookbooks.

Tickets are £20 including a copy of ‘The Strawberry Thief’. One additional ticket can be purchased for £12 without the book. Call Browsers Bookshop 01394 388890.