Plans to increase taxi fares across Babergh are in the pipeline, with the public able to have their say this spring.

Hackney carriage fares for the district have not been reviewed since 2016, with taxi operators understood to have called for changes to help meet increasing costs.

The basic rate for day time fares will increase by 20p from £3 to £3.20, while night rates will change by 10p from £4.50 to £4.60 starting rate, and apply between 11pm and 7am instead of just midnight and 6am.

Special fares for Christmas and New Year will also increase by 20p from £6 to £6.20 starting rate.

All three tariffs will also cost an additional 10p for every 110 yards or 33 seconds.

Extra charges at the discretion of drivers will be 20p for each additional passenger over two, and 60p for each additional passenger over two in vehicles with more than four seats.

The council confirmed that no extra charges would be made for assistance dogs, luggage or shopping.

Babergh District Council's licensing committee agreed to put the fares out to consultation this spring to both the trade and the public before making a final decision.

The changes only apply to vehicles with Hackney carriage licenses - ones which can be hailed from the roadside - as there is no statutory framework for councils to set fares for private hire vehicles.

The report by licensing officer David Price said: "Fares for Hackney carriages in Babergh district have not increased since August 2016 and a review, revision and consultation are now required.

"The review has been brought about by an increase in costs for Hackney carriage proprietors over the last three years and verbal requests from elements of the licensed trade for the council to undertake a review of the table of fares."

A firm date for the consultation - which will span 28 days for taxi drivers and 14 days for the public - has yet to be decided, but will likely be from the end of March.

The licensing committee must then make a final decision once responses have been collated.

If approved, the changes would come into force across the whole district, including key towns such as Sudbury and Hadleigh, as well as Shotley, Great Cornard, Boxford, Lavenham, Bildeston, Kersey, East Bergholt and areas around Ipswich like Brantham, Copdock and Sproughton among others.