Council-backed plans for a new hotel, apartments and modern doctors’ surgery are set to go on public display in Braintree.

The development, which also includes a café/restaurant, is earmarked for land between Manor Street and Victoria Street.

An exhibition will be held from 3pm-7pm on Wednesday, January 10, at the nearby Town Hall.

It follows a similar event in June, when residents met the project team, including Braintree District Council, AHR architects, Potter Raper Partnership building consultants and RPS CgMs planning consultants.

The plans will be presented to the full council and cabinet in February, and if approved, could be subject to a planning application the following month. If successful, the start date for construction would be early 2019, with work finishing in 2020.

Council leader Graham Butland said: “This project encompasses all the things that matter to our residents; health and homes, journeys and jobs.

“We deliver the everyday services residents rely on, but we’re also solving some of the biggest problems our communities face, such as doctors working in antiquated buildings – that is why we are investing in health and our town centre.”

The development includes a new GP surgery, pharmacy, 70-bed hotel, 35 apartments, bus interchange, public garden, car park and café/restaurant.

Tom Cunningham, head of economic development, said the council was in talks with a café/restaurant operator.

He added: “Residential homes will be part of the development, and we know that more and more towns are seeing the benefits of bringing residential homes into town centre locations. It helps to revitalise high streets by increasing footfall and spending.

“These are exciting times for the town centre.”

John McKee, corporate services and asset management chief, said: “We’re pleased that a major hotel chain saw potential in having a town centre location to help us encourage people to visit friends, families and nearby attractions. This all feeds into our future aspirations for the town.”

Adam Firth, AHR project director, added: “Braintree is an attractive town with a historical centre, which this new development will help to revitalise for the twenty first century.”

Plans go online from 3pm on January 10, at