Davers Court care home in Bury St Edmunds is hosting a Christmas fete on Saturday, December 1.

The Care UK team at its premises in Shakers Lane will be throwing its doors open to the community for the festive event which runs from 1pm to 4pm.

Visitors will be able to start their Christmas shopping at a number of stalls and enjoy Yuletide treats including mince pies, mulled wine and seasonal entertainment from the Caprice Christmas Show.

There’s also plenty on offer for younger visitors, with face painting and a Christmas grotto – complete with a visit from Santa.

Sophie Evans, deputy home manager, said: “Christmas has officially arrived here at Davers Court and we’re thrilled to be able to bring everyone together for an afternoon of festive fun.

“The local community is a huge part of life at Davers Court and the relationships we have are extremely important to us, so the invitation to share our Christmas fête is a great way to say thank you for their support over the last year and spread some festive cheer.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming lots of people to the home for what promises to be an exciting afternoon of festive celebrations.”