Hundreds of primary school pupils have created a showpiece photograph using a drone to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Sir Robert Hitchams Primary School in Framlingham took their latest school picture to new heights with all 340 pupils creating the number 70 on the school's playing field.

Key stage one created the number seven, and key stage two created the zero, with the atmosphere being described as "electric with excitement".

Ahead of half term and next week's royal festivities, pupils have been celebrating with a series of activities including the photograph.

During the week, a group of visitors shared their memories of the Queen's coronation and life in the 1950s.

The children have also created Union Jack patterned kites, looked at the Queen and her pets and learned more about the Commonwealth.

They will also parade around Framlingham's Market Hill dressed in blue, white and red.

Before the 70 was created by the children, they all took part in a runathon around the field.