POLICE have warned motorists to take extra care on the roads today as snow and ice continue to hit the region.

Drivers in Essex are being advised to plan their journeys carefully and take adequate precautions as weather conditions worsen throughout the day, with heavy snow showers and freezing temperatures expected.

Traffic is flowing slowly along most major roads in the county, but severe congestion and delays are hitting the southernmost reaches of the area including the M25 and the Dartford Crossing, where serious problems on the Kent side are having a knock-on effect on Essex.

The situation is made worse by the number of lorries which are stationery on the carriageway and hard shoulder.

Essex Police has issued a reminder to drivers to make sure they have enough fuel in case of delays, that all windows are cleared to allow good visibility, that they carry warm clothing, food and drink with them and a fully charged mobile phone.

They are also urging caution while driving in the treacherous conditions, avoiding sudden braking or harsh steering and leaving a good distance between vehicles.