A town hall can now sell alcohol after applying for a licence despite objections from police and neighbours.

Eye Town Council made the controversial application in an attempt to improve the Town Hall’s finances.

But Suffolk police has “grave concerns” the licence will increase crime levels in the town and without “robust and strategic” conditions the premises will “significantly” contribute to public disorder.

Councillor Ray Melvin chair of the Mid Suffolk District Council committee which looked at the licence said it had been approved subject to “very strident conditions”.

He said: “The police had no records of noise and Environmental Health had no record of noise complaints and we had to go on the evidence available to us.”

He added a designated supervisor would be tasked with controlling the alcohol supply.

Town councillor Maria Ford said: “We have never had a desire or plan to suddenly have events six nights a week or raves – it’s not the intention.

“We would like to change the town hall around but it will be a slow process, the last thing we want to do is upset the neighbours.”

Last year the town hall made a loss of £5,500.