Like me, my electronic friend Dorinda too finds small sales catalogues irresistible.

She e-mails: “I have often been tempted by the huge single slipper that both feet go in together, and the special seat to put in the bath in case we can’t climb out...”

Don’t buy the slipper, Dorinda. I imagine it only takes a sudden knock at the door while you’re wearing the onesie-pod and you risk coming a cropper when you jump up and attempt to walk.

After my worry I might catch the norovirus, Brooke wrote: “You won’t protect yourself from norovirus by creating an anti-bacterial force-field round you. It’s winter vomiting virus... Some of the precautions may work against both, but it is this confusion that leads people to demand antibiotics when they have a common cold, or rhinovirus, and so diminish the power of antibiotics.”

I’ve eased off the preventative measures a bit... I was starting to smell of disinfectant.