Final approval has been granted for 366 homes in Felixstowe despite some outstanding concerns around play and open spaces.

A special meeting of East Suffolk Council’s planning south committee voted five to three in favour of Bloor Eastern’s proposals to develop agricultural land between Walton High Street and Candlet Road, close to the Dock Spur roundabout.

Outline plans for 385 homes and provision of land for a pre-school had already been approved, but the final matters around landscaping, scale, layout and appearance were approved at Monday afternoon’s committee in Melton.

Developers had revised the plans to provide 366 homes on the 14.3-hectare site instead of 385, of which 88 are designated affordable.

Two new roundabout junctions will be created to provide access to the site – one each in Walton High Street and Candlet Road – with the latter also serving future development north of the site.

Concerns had been raised over the play area and open space being so close to the spine road, and the affordable homes not being distributed around the site enough.

Alex Clark, design and technical director with Bloor Eastern, said the open space matters had been agreed in the design brief which had previously been submitted and accorded with the indicative layout in the outline plans.

“We believe the level of technical work and evidence undertaken throughout this proposal shows Bloor’s commitment to achieving the right solution for this important site,” he said.

Objectors had called for the new access roundabout in Candlet Road to be built first and used for construction traffic as it would cause the least disruption to existing locals, but existing legal agreements and outline planning conditions mean that access will only come after 100 homes are completed, and the spine road when 150 are done.

Andy Smith, from Felixstowe Town Council, which joined 11 locals in objecting to the scheme, said the council was not opposed to homes there but needed to be done “in the round”.

He said “Our core concern is that of open space and design concept around the linear path which provides minimal usable open space,” adding it was “just not a place for kids to play, certainly not to kick a ball or for anyone else to sit and relax.”

It is not yet clear when work on site will begin.