Plans for 20 homes in Thorndon, near Eye, look set to take a step closer as councillors are urged to approve the scheme.

Submitted to Mid Suffolk District Council by Burgess Homes, the project is located on land adjoining The Principals House, in Stoke Road.

The site is on an area of land that formed part of the Kerrison's site, and would use the existing access. There are some buildings on the site, including Settles House, the former gym and the former principal's house.

These buildings would be demolished to make way for the homes.

The main Kerrison's building, which used to be a school, is also currently also being developed.

The scheme, which is at reserved matters stage, and is made up of one to four-bed homes, has been recommended for approval, subject to some conditions, at the Mid Suffolk development control committee on Wednesday July 20.

Outline planning permission was granted for the project in December 2019.

Ward councillor Andrew Stringer said: "This development is within the agreed Thorndon Neighbourhood Plan as a site suitable for future development.

"There are still improvements that the parish would like to see, such as sufficient electric charging points and a sustainable heating source.

"We will try to address these issues before any approval."

The committee report for the project says: "The proposal complies with local policies and Thorndon Neighbourhood policies.

"The design of the proposal is considered good and should have a good street scene aesthetic due to the mix and character of different dwelling designs and materials.

"The concurrent conditions in relation with the application will be discharged subsequent to this application. The benefits of the scheme are considered to outweigh any modest harm."

The plans have been recommended to be approved subject to conditions around drawings, materials and the ecological survey and mitigation / enhancement strategy.

Local developers Burgess Homes are currently working on four other local sites, including a project of 40 homes in the village of Botesdale.