Student finance can seem quite scary, but it doesn’t have to be because there are loans, grants and bursaries to ensure that everyone is able to access higher education.

The key points to remember are that the two main costs while studying are tuition fees and living costs - and that there is support available to help you with both of these.

Tuition fees

Students will be charged around £9,000 per year for a full-time degree, with slightly reduced fees for foundation degrees and pro-rata charges for part-time students.

Tuition fee loan

All UK and EU undergraduate students are eligible to receive a tuition fee loan to pay the full cost of their fees, as long as they are starting their first degree. There is no age limit, and the fee loan is not means-tested.

Maintenance loans and grants

UK students can also apply for the maintenance grant and loan. All UK students under the age of 60 are eligible to apply for 65% of the maximum maintenance loan, while the remaining 35% is means-tested. Students with an annual household income of less than £25,000 are eligible for the full maintenance grant of £3,387; and students with an annual household income of between £25,000 and £42,620 are eligible for a partial maintenance grant. There are also additional grants available depending on your individual circumstances.

Check the Student Finance website for information

Students can apply for their tuition fee loan and maintenance support now. Applications for 2015-16 opened in March 2015 and students are advised to apply as soon as possible.


UCS, and other universities, offer students a wide range of bursaries, subject to eligibility criteria.

NHS Funded Courses

Students on NHS courses have their tuition fees paid by the NHS, and may be entitled to additional support. In 2015 healthcare students on eligible courses of 45 weeks in duration received a non means tested grant of £1,000, a means-tested bursary of up to £4,395 and a non means-tested maintenance loan of up to £2,324. Additional allowances are available, depending on individual circumstances.

Financial aid for part-time students

Part-time students are eligible for a tuition fee loan if they are studying at least 25% of the full-time course each year and they are starting their first undergraduate degree. Part-time students will not be able to apply for the maintenance loan or maintenance grant.