CRIES for help from victims of childhood sexual abuse in Ipswich have spiralled since the revelations about Jimmy Savile hit the headlines.

A charity in the town which works to help survivors of abuse face up to their past said it has seen the number of enquiries treble in recent weeks – with 20 calls alone on Wednesday.

Survivors in Transition (SiT) operates a drop-in centre for women and men in Ipswich, offering advice and referrals to other services.

One of the founders Fiona Ellis said those they are currently helping have found the media exposure difficult to deal with. But she said it was vital awareness of the issues involved is raised.

It comes after paedophile priest Father John Haley Dossor, who retired from St Mary at the Elms in Elm Street, Ipswich in 2007, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court and admitted sexually assaulting two teenage boys 20 years ago.

Ms Ellis said: “We’re always concerned for those who have not felt strong enough to come forward and would encourage them to get in touch for support.

“The position this man [Dossor] has held in Suffolk for years is alarming.

“We are delighted that some of his victims will feel some sense of justice after many years of not being heard – sadly, many of their lives have been irrevocably changed by what they experienced as trusting children.

“If you apply the same principle as the Savile case it is highly unlikely that these cases are in isolation.

“We have seen not only a rise in enquiries since the Savile case hit the headlines – three times as many calls than normal – we’re also seeing those that we are currently working with struggling more than usual as the case is highly publicised and that is increasing flashbacks and nightmares as details of the cases start coming out.

“The issue is in their faces. Many are trying to avoid the media. But they recognise it is a good thing, it will encourage people to come forward and seek help.”

To seek help from SiT call 07765 052282 or e-mail Visit The drop-in centre – the Linden Room, Willows Children’s Centre, Magdalene Close, Ipswich – is open on Wednesdays between noon and 2pm.