YOUNG people are being urged to stay safe after an increase in muggings over the past year.

There have been 147 street robberies recorded in Ipswich in the past year compared to just 118 in the same period the year before, with cash and mobile phones being the most common things to be stolen.

Young people between 15 and 24 are the most likely to be robbed, with men and boys a more likely target than women.

Detective Chief Inspector Nick Bennett said: “There is no pattern to the latest spate of robberies so they are very difficult offences for us to target our resources to.

“However, we are aware of the increase in offences and are working hard to reduce them. We have made a number of significant arrests this year for robberies and have put a number of people before the court but are eager to raise awareness of the issue.

“Many robberies are opportunist. I urge people to be aware of their surroundings when they are out and about, be careful where and when they use a mobile device and only carry the cash and cards that are needed.”

Officers have also suggested using a personal attack alarm, staying on well-lit and busy areas rather than taking short cuts, and staying alert to the surroundings without using earphones or mobile phones.