A boy who learnt about fire safety at school put his lessons into practice straight away when he spotted a house in flames.

Luke Quin spotted smoke pouring out of the window as he walked from the bus stop on his way home from school and alerted his mum, who called firefighters.

The fire was in the kitchen of a home in Kingsbury Close, Marks Tey. Two fire engines from Colchester’s Red Watch attended Monday’s incident just before 4pm and extinguished the flames by 4.21pm.

The Honywood Community Science School pupil said: “I was shocked to see the smoke and was not sure it was really happening, but I just acted in the heat of the moment.

“I’m glad I did follow it up.”

Luke, 12, has been sent a letter from the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service congratulating him for his actions.

Ian Ryder, watch manager from Colchester fire station said: “At school the young lad had been learning about fire safety and he put all that he had learnt that day into practice. He did exactly the right thing by alerting his mum to the fire so she could call the fire service.

“When fire crews entered the semi-detached bungalow it was smoke logged, a pan had been left on the oven unattended and was smouldering, creating a large amount of smoke, filling the bungalow.

“Without the quick thinking and actions of this young boy, raising the alarm so quickly, the fire could have easily spread throughtout the bungalow and next door.”

Luke’s mum Kay Quin added: “I’m immensely proud of him. He told me he was concerned so I went and had a look too, and he did the right thing.

“I spoke to the homeowner afterwards and there was some smoke damage, but it could have been quite a serious fire.”