PEOPLE have been debating what can be done to improve community life in the wake of tough spending cuts faced by a council.

Mid Suffolk District Council hosted the event at Wingfield Barns, near Stradbroke.

The event formed part of a key consultation between Mid Suffolk and Babergh District Councils and people living in the regions.

Councillors and senior staff from the councils have been involved in organising the Community Engagement 2012 project.

Diana Kearsley, Mid Suffolk district councillor for Gislingham, had the idea for the Wingfield Barns meeting: “There was a real buzz of energy and intensity in Wingfield Barns and all the people there enthusiastically discussed pertinent issues.

“Residents know that our council has to adapt to a severe financial challenge and they want us to do that without destroying one of the safest places to live – the strong community spirit and the established beauty of Suffolk.

“This part of Suffolk has many great community assets, such as sports and leisure centres, village halls, neighbourhood sharing schemes and church halls, all of which have the potential for a wider use by community groups than at present,” she added.

Council services were rated and people gave their views on what the authority could do to help the local economy.

The councils want to find out about peoples’ attitudes and challenges as the authorities face a squeeze on their finances.