Matt has been off work this week and getting under my feet. I don’t seem to have been getting any extra walks out of it and to be honest he has been cramping my style.

For example, normally, when he’s not here, I steal into his room and help myself to any of his things that take my fancy.

His trainers are a favourite.

I also have a particular fondness for his best shirt.

It’s white, so my paws make a lovely pattern on it.

But when he’s here, he puts a stop to all that.

Quite why he wouldn’t want to share his things with me is rather a mystery.

If it’s his best shirt, of course I would want to lay on it.

Hasn’t he always said, ‘Nothing but the best for you, Abbie?’

Words mean nothing, Matt. It’s what you do that matters!

Speaking of words, that nice Richard Branson has been sounding off this week. I do like a man with a furry face.

He says that employees are much happier if they are allowed to take as much time off work as they wish, rather than having a set amount of holiday days.

It’s an interesting idea which sounds wonderful in theory but I can’t help thinking that in practice it would become a badge of honour to take no time off at all and people would work even longer hours than they do already.

Having said that, perhaps it’s a good idea after all. If Matt had less time off, I could reclaim his best shirt!

Thanks, furry Richard. You’ve just given me a wonderful idea...

• Abbie Hunter lives near Stowmarket with her human, Matt.