Police stopping at a service station caught two motorists making illegal right turns in the space of two minutes - and then discovered they were breaking the law in other ways too.

Traffic officers caught the vehicles at the Barton Mills services in Suffolk.

Officers from the Norfolk and Suffolk Roads and Armed Policing Team later Tweeted after the incident on Sunday, January 6: “Popped into #BartonMills services.

“In the space of two minutes two cars made a right turn where they shouldn’t.

“The first driver has provided positive sample for cocaine on @drugwipe so arrested, the second had no insurance so vehicle #Seized & reported #Fatal4 #s165a.”

Under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act, police also have the power to seize any vehicle that is being driven without a valid insurance policy or where the driver does not hold a valid driving licence.

Following a seizure of a vehicle, officers are required to issue a seizure notice and leaflet, as well as inform drivers that, if they want to recover the vehicle, they must comply with the instructions contained within the leaflet.