A care home in Suffolk decided to cheer up their residents by hosting a special day with a coastal flavour.

%image(15242219, type="article-full", alt="The day included a visit from an ice cream van, sand pits and paddling pools, fish and chips wrapped in the traditional newspaper, as well as a candy floss machine. Picture: RUTH EVANS")

Hillside Residential Home in Great Cornard near Sudbury held their ‘Hillside Seaside’ day to bring a little seaside happiness into the home during the coronavirus outbreak.

With help from Sudbury Town Council and Sudbury Tourist Information Centre who provided picture perfect postcards for the residents to send to loved ones they were missing during the lockdown.

The day included a visit from an ice cream van, sand pits and paddling pools, fish and chips wrapped in traditional newspaper, as well as a candy floss machine.

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%image(15242220, type="article-full", alt="One of the residents said: �"I really enjoyed the day and want to thank all the staff."� Picture: RUTH EVANS")

One of the residents said: “I really enjoyed the day and want to thank all the staff.”

Lynne Gleeson, administrator at Hillside Residential Home, said: “During a recent resident meeting, the residents advised they wanted to visit the seaside as they had enjoyed this so much in the past.

“With the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown this currently was not possible but staff promised to bring the seaside to them.

“Hillside’s cook Hazel Hearn suggested getting proper fish and chips from a chip shop and the whole day evolved from there.

“We would like to thank the Sudbury Town Hall and the Sudbury Tourist Information team for helping us.”