It was an unforgettable Olympic torch day for Suffolk’s Laura Bizzey.

The 15-year-old has muscular dystrophy but despite the tiredness and physical difficulties she battles every day, she is a tireless fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy Campaign (MDC) and helps to keep its profile high in its fight against muscle disease. The charity nominated Laura to be a torchbearer and she was thrilled to be selected.

Laura’s mum Katie, who also raises fantastic sums for MDC, is a constant support and together mother and daughter are a formidable team. On the day Suffolk welcomed the Olympic torch, Katie organised a party to celebrate Laura’s big moment as an Olympic torchbearer, in Ufford,

As family, friend and neighbours gathered at their home in Snape, Laura’s uniform was ready... one-size-fits-all top and trousers in white, crumple-resistant fabric.

Laura’s Torchbearer Handbook tells her: “Enjoy it – it’s your moment to shine.”

In Ufford people are already lining the street and there is an an air of quiet expectation although local resident Richard Newson is not as quiet as most. Wearing a gorilla mask he gives his hunting horn an occasional blast.

Most people reckon this is the biggest national occasion Lower Ufford has seen.

The convoy arrives. First the outriders and sponsor-mobiles and then we see Laura waiting for the arrival of the Mother Flame.

Her torch is lit and then, with pride and indomitable spirit, this extraordinary young woman steps out and, to the cheers of the crowd, takes the Olympic flame 300 metres closer to London 2012.

She enjoyed her moment. And she shone.