A SUFFOLK MP has given up three posts which gave him a second income of around �80,000 as new rules come into force requiring MPs to detail how much they have earned outside Parliament.

Graham Dines

A SUFFOLK MP has given up three posts which gave him a second income of around �80,000 as new rules come into force requiring MPs to detail how much they have earned outside Parliament.

Bury St Edmunds MP David Ruffley says he is to concentrate all his efforts on his role in David Cameron's shadow team as it prepares for government.

Until yesterday, MPs only had to give approximate figures for their outside interests. Now they must register the exact amount of cash they earn and how many hours they spend on this work.

David Cameron has already insisted that all members of his shadow cabinet not only declare their extra income but also pledge to relinquish the work by December.

As Tory police reform spokesman, Mr Ruffley is not covered by this rule but the latest register of members' interests no longer lists any outside earnings.

Previous registers have shown that since May 26, 2005, the MP has been adviser on economic affairs to Lotus Asset Management on a salary scale of �15,001-�20,000 a year.

Mr Ruffley also declared earnings of between �25,001 and �30,000 as an adviser to Dentons Pension Management Ltd for “general strategic business advice” and a similar amount from April 19 2007 from Partnership Group Holdings Ltd.

The MP said yesterday: “I gave up voluntarily my remunerated outside interests last month. As David Cameron indicated this week, it is important to show total focus on setting out our credentials as a possible alternative government.”

Following the row over MPs expenses, in which Mr Ruffley repaid more than �1,200 for furniture and mortgage interest and was also criticised for trying to claim more than �2,000 for a state-of-the-art television, Cambridge Utd mascot Marvin the Moose - Jeremy Izod, of Stowmarket - said he would stand in Bury St Edmunds at the next general election while former Beirut hostage Terry Waite, who lives in the constituency, said he was considering whether to join the fray.

Although the new rules relate to outside income starting from July 1, MPs have a few weeks before they must register the work.

Chris Mole (Labour, Ipswich), Simon Burns (Conservative, Chelmsford West), and Bernard Jenkin (Conservative, Essex North) all told the EADT that they had no second jobs, while Tories Tim Yeo (Suffolk South), Douglas Carswell (Harwich) and Brooks Newmark (Braintree) indicated they would declare any paid interests in the next few weeks.

Suffolk West MP Richard Spring earns between �55,001 and �60,000 as chairman of the British Ukrainian Society, which was set up to foster political, social and cultural ties between the two countries. He is also a former strategic consultant to investment company AMG Productions Ltd.

Suffolk Coastal MP John Gummer, who has a considerable number of outside jobs including company directorships and journalism, is expected to detail his exact earnings later this month.