YOUNGSTERS across Tendring are set to benefit from a new cash pot of almost £40,000 which will boost facilities in the area.

It will include buying a new mobile skate park which can be taken to various locations around the district.

Also on the shopping list are a large mobile football cage with trailer; two new dinghies for Brightlingsea Youth Club for training young people; repairs to Brightlingsea Skate Park and a basketball hoop set.

The total cost of all the new items and repairs is £39,000.

The money is coming from Essex County Council’s Transition Support Fund to support the work of the Tendring Youth Strategy Group (TYSG). The investment in mobile facilities is to help encourage volunteers to set up groups and the equipment will be available for use by volunteer groups supporting young people.

Sarah Candy, an Essex county and Tendring district councillor who is vice-chairman of the TYSG, said it was fantastic news for the community.

She said: “This is a significant investment in both new facilities as well as much-needed repairs to a town’s skate park.

“Both the mobile skate park and football cage can be moved around the district to wherever they are needed to ensure they benefit the maximum number of young people.”

Ms Candy said the aim of the fund was to help increase youth work activity targeting 13 to 19-year-olds.

The money can be used to support recreational-based personal development opportunities, increase volunteering and support extra youth sessions.

Ms Candy said the cash would make a “real difference” to young people in the area and also confirmed there would be a further £20,000 available from April 2013.