From the countryside to the coast, Suffolk is home to beautiful villages, bustling towns and tranquil rivers. We have chosen 12 photographs to capture the essence of life throughout the county. But did we succeed?

East Anglian Daily Times: AldeburghAldeburgh (Image: (c) copyright

Aldeburgh on the coast, like many Suffolk locations, features pretty pastel cottages and narrow streets...

East Anglian Daily Times: Gulls gather around visitors eating fish and chips on the beach in Aldeburgh.Gulls gather around visitors eating fish and chips on the beach in Aldeburgh.

...while offering beautiful views of the Suffolk coastline and plenty of places to eat fish and chips.

East Anglian Daily Times: Sunset at Framlingham Castle.Sunset at Framlingham Castle. (Image: � Parrish Colman Photography 2016)

Framlingham is home to a perfect moated 12th century castle. It is now owned by English Heritage and is one of the key tourist attractions in Suffolk.

East Anglian Daily Times: Lavenham's Dickensian Christmas Fair & Craft market.Lavenham's Dickensian Christmas Fair & Craft market. (Image: (c) copyright

This picture of medieval Lavenham shows examples of both the busy market culture and Suffolk’s wealth of historic buildings.

East Anglian Daily Times: The official opening of Boxford Stores with a delivery made by Suffolk Punch horse.The official opening of Boxford Stores with a delivery made by Suffolk Punch horse. (Image: Archant)

Suffolk is home to many beautiful villages and Boxford is a good example with its parish church and local store. This image also features the impressive Suffolk Punch horse - a breed which has a special place in Suffolk’s history and in its people’s hearts.

East Anglian Daily Times: Visitors to the Abbey Gardens in Bury enjoy the hazy sunny weather.Visitors to the Abbey Gardens in Bury enjoy the hazy sunny weather. (Image: Archant)

Bury St Edmunds is a thriving market town and home to the county’s only cathedral,

East Anglian Daily Times: Newmarket Racing.Newmarket Racing.

Newmarket is referred to as the headquarters of British horseracing and is a prominent part of the Suffolk economy.

East Anglian Daily Times: Pin Mill looking along the River Orwell.Pin Mill looking along the River Orwell. (Image: (c) copyright

The River Orwell runs under the impressive Orwell Bridge and on to the county town of Ipswich.

East Anglian Daily Times: Port of FelixstowePort of Felixstowe (Image: (c) copyright

The Port of Felixstowe is the UK’s busiest container port and its ships (and the lorries on the A14) are an intrinsic part of Suffolk life.

East Anglian Daily Times: Onions being harvested at Bradfield St Clare.Onions being harvested at Bradfield St Clare.

Extensive agriculture and year-round harvests make this an image that everyone in Suffolk can relate to.

East Anglian Daily Times: Dedham and the River Stour in Constable Country.Dedham and the River Stour in Constable Country.

Dedham lies on the border with Essex but we claim it as part of Suffolk, along with its most famous son, the artist John Constable.

So there is Suffolk life in a photographic nutshell. We hope you like the selection, but if we have missed anything which you consider a vital part of Suffolk life, let us know in the comments below.