Since the government implemented more stringent guidelines for self-isolation in response the coronavirus outbreak, many of Suffolk’s busiest town centres have virtually shut down.

What should be bustling shopping streets with locals looking for the best spring bargains are now quiet after restaurants, bars, gyms and gyms, as well as non-essential shops, were forced to close to help slow the spread of the virus.

MORE: Find all of our coronavirus coverage hereNew timelapse footage from some of Suffolk’s busiest towns shows the extent of the difference.

Residents appear to be following the government guidelines, with high streets in Ipswich, Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds, Felixstowe, Clacton and Southwold showing a vast change in what would be expected during a usual spring day.

However, the streets may be busier than some would like - with a number of people still taking to their local shopping streets despite the restrictions.