A triathlon festival will be held in Bury St Edmunds to raise money for Suffolk Accident Rescue Service.

A triathlon festival will be held in Bury St Edmunds to raise money for Suffolk Accident Rescue Service. The Greene and Greene Triathlon Festival will see athletes take part in a variety of events including triathlon, aquathlon, and duathlon.

A pool swim, fast cycle through village roads and flat run course will be open to novices and there will be a longer distance available for veterans too.

The races will begin at 9am and will be chip-timed for the most accurate results.

There will be trophies for all winners and medals and goody bags for all finishers.

The event, sponsored by Greene and Greene Soliciters, will be held at Sunday, April 29 at Abbeycroft Leisure in Beetons Way.

Anyone who would like to take part or find out more information, is asked to contact haverhalf@gmail.com.