This week, columnist KATY EVANS finds out about a new detox treatment.

With all the rushing around I've been doing of late I decided to take some time out last week and treat myself to a massage.

I recently discovered the wonderful Sonia, who previously worked in Debenhams (yes, I was surprised they had a beauty room there too - it's tiny and hidden away at the back of the menswear department), who managed to dig out all the knots and bumps in my aching back in an extremely relaxing and non-painful way.

Now working at Bliss on Norwich Road (in an equally small but well-equipped room in Giovani's hairdressers) Sonia offers all the usual beauty treatments but it was the massage I most wanted.

So many times masseuses will just go through the motions but Sonia pays particular attention to the tops of my shoulders (often neglected), my neck and the almost gristle-like lump of tensed-up muscle in my lower back, which has recently started making cracking sounds when I twist a certain way.

I'm pretty sure most of my stress goes straight into my back, which ends up feeling as firm as a plank of wood instead of nicely supple as it should be.

I really ought to have regular massages before I end up seizing up completely (and with all this stressful house-hunting stuff I need it now more than ever).

After the half hour, which slipped by far too quickly for my liking, I could have fallen asleep but had also booked a session on the Aqua Detox 'machine', which is said to fully detox your blood cells and give you more vitality.

A huge claim and one that needed testing, I thought.

My granddad, always sceptical about anything 'alternative', once gave it ago, I think as a desperate attempt to cure his glue ear.

Afterwards he still thought it a load of nonsense, but always one for trying new treatments I just had to find out for myself.

Basically, you stick your feet into what looks like a footbath but the water has an electrolytic flow going though it, which is then transmitted though your body.

Sounds extremely dangerous to be combining water and electricity I know, but the benefits listed include lowering the blood pressure and rebalancing the body so it can detoxify itself properly.

Alison, the other therapist at Bliss, says she has had six treatments now and has noticed a huge improvement in her energy levels and, more interestingly, her cellulite.

Now, my thighs are not exactly bump free (in the wrong lighting they have that distinctive orange peel/cottage cheese effect - not attractive), so I am keen to find out if her claims are true.

After just one treatment I can't say I felt very different, although it did leave me very tired and lethargic, which Sonia says is a common after-effect (although how far this was due to my relaxing massage I'm not sure).

The water also turns different colours for different people as the toxins seep out of your skin by osmosis.

Mine ended up looking like Lucozade with lumpy bits in it.

Some people's end up black and others green.

What this means they are not quite sure (or at least they are, but are not allowed to say due to it not being a recognised orthodox procedure).

Anyway, it was all very interesting and definitely needs more investigation.

I'm still erring on the sceptical side but many are converts and can't get enough of Aqua Detox.

If I do have more sessions and notice any improvements in cellulite then I'll let you know.

But for now, when it comes to treatments, put me down for a neck, back and shoulder massage anytime.