A Suffolk town’s new mayor has declared his pride at taking on the role for the forthcoming year.

Stephen Attwell was awarded the title in Woodbridge this week – taking over from former mayor, Josh Sayles, who nominated the Farlingaye ward councillor as his replacement.

As deputy mayor for the last year, Lady Caroline Blois would have been natural successor to Mr Sayles, but chose not take the position due to health reasons.

Mr Attwell said: “I’m very proud, somewhat nervous, excited and daunted at the prospect of the coming year.

“I shall do my best, and hope to maintain the high standards of previous mayors.

“I thank councillor Sayles for all the work he has undertaken this year, and for the time and advice he has given to assist in the handover of this responsibility.

“I also thank Lady Caroline Blois for her work as deputy mayor. It is disappointing that she was unable to succeed in this role.”

Mr Attwell, who works in IT for legal practices, named his consort for the next year as Una Mitchell, who he said persuaded him to fight the Kyson by-election in 2013. “I now find myself mayor, and hope it can be a repayment of her kindness,” he said.

Mr Attwell’s proposal for Riverside ward councillor Clare Perkins to be appointed deputy mayor received unanimous approval.