APPEAL BY ASHFIELD LAND LIMITED Relating to the application to Mid Suffolk District Council (Ref: 1832/17) for Erection of up to 315 dwellings, vehicular access to Old Norwich Road, public open space and associated landscaping, engineering and infrastructure works Ashfield Land (“the Appellant”) applied to Mid Suffolk District Council for outline planning permission to develop land west of Old Norwich Road and east of the A14, Ipswich, IP1 6LH (nearest) with all matters reserved for subsequent approval, except for access.

Mid Suffolk District Council refused to grant planning permission and an appeal was made to the Secretary of State. Notice is hereby given that the Appellant has formally requested that the Appeal be determined by the appointed Inspector on the basis of all matters being reserved for subsequent approval, including access. No additional or amended plans have been submitted. Documents relating to the planning application can be found on the Mid Suffolk District Council website. If you wish to make comments, or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you can do so by emailing laura.eimermann@ If you do not have access to email, you can write to: Ms Laura Eimermann, Turley, 40 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4QP All representations must quote the Appeal Reference: APP/ W3520/W/18/3200941 and be received within 28 days from the 6th November 2018.