A high street clothing brand has announced an opening date for its new store in Aldeburgh.

Upmarket clothing shop Seasalt is currently fitting out its store in the town's high street ready for a special opening event on Saturday, August 10, from 9.30am to 5.30pm.

Seasalt already has stores in Southwold, Woodbridge and Bury St Edmunds.

The company confirmed on Facebook that celebrations at the new shop would include sea shanty singing and live fashion illustration, as well as offers.

Sally Ogden, from Aldeburgh Business Association, said: "The last thing we want is a boarded up building.

"It's such a prime spot, so it's very exciting.

"I hope they will integrate in the town and get involved in events."

The new store sits in the former home of Barclays, which served as Aldeburgh's final bank and which closed its doors in March this year.

Barclays is currently offering a limited range of services in a trial at the town's library

There had been suspicions in the community for a number of weeks that the new clothing shop would be housed in the former bank but when recently asked, Seasalt was unable to confirm this.

Now though boards bearing the company's logo have been put in place around the building while the final work is carried out inside the former bank.

Ms Ogden said that people in the town had begun to adapt to not having a bank, with many making the trip out to Leiston or Framlingham.

"The bank has made its decision," said Ms Ogden.

"The biggest problem now is the lack of a 24/7 cashpoint in the high street."

She said that while it was shame Aldeburgh no longer had a bank, the new store would provide different opportunities in terms of employment and attractions for the town.

"It creates a buzz and another reason to visit," she said.

"We are lucky in Aldeburgh we have so much diversity, so they are very welcome here."