A perfect week - as I predicted last time out would happen - soon had those sorry thoughts from a loss at West Brom evaporating. And what great moments we experienced again from both games.

I am starting to run out of superlatives for some of our play and goals. These are incredibly special times and yet they seem normal to us now. Especially at Portman Road.

Wes Burns engaged in much of what was good from the last two games. His performances highlighted how much we missed him when he was out injured recently. We also got on the right side of early goals for a change.

The first half against Millwall saw us back to our best at times. And that includes Burns. As he received a ball from Sam Morsy out wide, he had no right to send over an inch-perfect cross for George Hirst to nod down for Conor Chaplin to score.

The move for Massimo Luongo’s goal replicated so many that we have scored before. A real team goal and one where Millwall could not get near us.

East Anglian Daily Times: Nathan Broadhead watches Wes Burns' shot fly inNathan Broadhead watches Wes Burns' shot fly in (Image: Steve Waller)
And how many of you were shouting for Cameron Burgess to shoot as he then squared to Leif Davis who assisted for the umpteenth time this season for Nathan Broadhead to score.

They were three particularly good goals to add to so many now this season.

It was a shame that we could not hold on for a deserved clean sheet. Millwall were not very good, were they?

I expected Coventry to provide us with a more difficult game and they did. Yet once again, we could not find a clean sheet that we deserved despite what I thought was a clear foul on Brandon Williams.

But take nothing away from another consummate first period. And what about that goal from Burns?

East Anglian Daily Times: Burns celebrates his goalBurns celebrates his goal (Image: Steve Waller)
I have watched it on numerous occasions now. Some highlight reels on television and social media have not done it true justice by failing to show the build-up.

Burns’ finish alone was class for sure. But the play leading up to the goal was once again simply outstanding. I was told that we play like Manchester City. I think that in a relative mindset, we are better at times.

I continue to be asked by friends how good is it being an Ipswich fan right now. I think about how Saturday was my 50th game of watching Ipswich under Kieran McKenna.

I tell them of the 36 wins and just four defeats I have witnessed in all those games. Defeats, of course, which include to Leeds and Fulham.

I simply tell them that after 20 years of putting ourselves through so much misery, Ipswich fans are just getting a little something in return of what they truly deserve.

East Anglian Daily Times: Kieran McKenna's men are flying Kieran McKenna's men are flying (Image: PA Images)
The unknowledgeable think we will fall away soon, and our luck will run out. There is nothing lucky about our second-place position right now. That is the beauty of our season to date.

The only thing I find lucky is when I say we are getting what we deserve as fans. Many fans of other clubs could say they are due equally good times. They are right. It just happens that we are the club benefitting right now from a remarkable change in fortunes.

But that is thanks to our shrewd decision to take on McKenna and all the hard work that goes into the club both on and off the pitch.

There is so much more to do too. But we must enjoy the here and now rather than worrying too much about the stuff we cannot control further down the line. The continued demanding work will look after that, I am sure.

East Anglian Daily Times: George Hirst enjoys his goal on SaturdayGeorge Hirst enjoys his goal on Saturday (Image: Steve Waller)

As for McKenna, he has now been in charge for 88 league games and for the first time, has a +100-goal difference to his name.

53 wins from 88 games with 184 points. As an ex-manager of ours once said, ‘it’s nae normal.’

It was not long ago when I would walk out of a ground after Ipswich games wondering why I was bothering. It was a drug I was addicted to without any highs. Nowadays, the highs are aplenty.

Long may they continue!