Spending an evening looking at hundreds of slides doesn’t sound fun, but comedian Dave Gorman wants you to cast your Powerpoint prejudice aside as he proves it’s not just for boring business meetings.

Although some bullet points will feature in his latest show, so does Jim Davidson… sort of. We’ll get to that.

“I once met someone who made Powerpoint presentations for a living. I think he assumed what I was doing was a parody of what he does, because he saw the title. It’s not; I’ve never even seen the kind of thing he does because I don’t have a job in the business world, I don’t know what they’re like,” says Gorman.

They’re interesting things, I offer.

“I believe they’re not for other people,” he laughs, detecting the sarcasm in my voice.

“He reckoned the rule for building them is that you must never use more than 30 slides, that 20 was really pushing it. I use more than 800, that alone is enough to tell you it’s not like a normal presentation. I hope it also gives you a sense of the pace and energy.”

Anybody who’s seen one of Gorman’s previous shows, like Googlewhack, will know he loves his Powerpoint. This time around, there’d be no show without it.

“It’s not a gimmick, an ornament; there’s no material in the show I could do without it,” he stresses.

Audiences can look forward to laughing, he says, adding apologetically: “I know that’s the blandest answer going” when pushed for more details.

The way we’re bombarded with more information than ever before and in more ways too does feature.

“Every now and then there’s Twitter dialogue in there. Every now and then people go ‘ooh he talks about Twitter, that’s ever so modern’. Actually people who use it don’t get hung up on the fact it’s Twitter; it’s just another place you can have a conversation.”

Which brings us to the “spiky, interesting but not vitriolic” chat he and Davidson had on the social media site.

Being able to show it on screen rather than just repeat it gives the story an extra veneer of, as Gorman puts it, “my God that actually happened”.

“It’s weird that someone wants to even send that message to you in the first place. I think if you stop and look at some of what’s hitting you it’s weird. There is so much we don’t even notice, subliminally you just let it waft over you.

“All the media, the internet says is tell us what you think, give us your opinion. We do and feel important because of it. Actually opinion is so prevalent, so easily placed anywhere that it’s all of no value.

“You know the person who gets the most value from leaving a comment on a newspaper website? The person leaving the comment. I find that really interesting, so there’s stuff that sort of connects to all those ideas in there.”

You can tell us what you think after Dave Gorman’s Powerpoint Presentation comes to the Ipswich Corn Exchange on June 14.