Grease, Woodbridge School production, Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge, February 13.When over 100 pupils took to the stage at the Seckford Theatre for Woodbridge School's production of Grease they had the audience in the palm of their hand from the very first familiar note of this popular high school musical.

Grease, Woodbridge School production, Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge, February 13.

When over 100 pupils took to the stage at the Seckford Theatre for Woodbridge School's production of Grease they had the audience in the palm of their hand from the very first familiar note of this popular high school musical.

The show was as slick in delivery as the hairstyles of Danny and his fellow members of the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies displayed style and attitude in abundance.

The whole show was bursting with dynamic choreography and then in a turn of a step or a shift in a note the mood turned to tender subtlety. The songs rang out with clarity and passion and yet were seamlessly embedded into the plot and worn by their characters like favourite old clothes.

So the T-Birds strutted and preened themselves in their leather plumage while the Pink Ladies scorned, swooned and crooned in equal measure.

Leading lights Oliver Cartwright as the cool Danny and Jade Foster as the prim and proper Sandy were supported by a strong cast and with so many on the stage in some of the dance routines it was a feat of direction that timing and songs hit every note required for an outstanding performance to a packed audience for six performances.

Michael Streat